PARTsolutions strategic parts management

Certified Industry Standard
3D CAD Catalogs

Industry Standards Certified CAD Models

Access Industry Standard 3D Models

Get access to certified 3D CAD models of the NAS Parts Library, SAE AS standard, and the ASME B18 fastener standard as well as the ASME B18.24 PIN code lookup software.

Industry Standard Parts

Industry standards parts enable engineers to ensure their designs meet safety and reliability standards. The standards are created and maintained by Standards Development Organizations or SDOs. In the past, these standards were limited to paper spec sheets and PDF spec sheets.

Today, engineers can access certified 3D models of the standards for easy access.

Learn all about industry standards here.

Standard Fastener

ASME B18 & B18.24 PIN Code Lookup

ASME and CADENAS PARTsolutions teamed up to create an ASME B18.24 PIN code lookup software. Users can find the specs of any ASME B18 fastener and download a PDF spec sheet or certified CAD model using the ASME B18.24 PIN code.

The ASME B18.24 standard is a unique PIN code identifier for every possible configuration of the ASME B18 fastener standard. The PIN code is used to ensure both engineers and manufacturers are using the correct configuration of a part.

Learn all about the ASME B18 & B18.24 PIN Code Lookup.

SAE AS Standard

The SAE AS standard is an aerospace standard developed by SAE International. SAE AS includes over 8,500 active standards. The standard was developed for use in aerospace and other mobility applications in high-stress environments.

Certified native CAD models of the SAE AS standard are available in partnership with CADENAS PARTsolutions.

Learn all about the SAE AS standard.

AIA NAS Parts Library

NAS Parts Library

The NAS Parts Library is an aerospace standard developed and managed by AIA. The more than 1400 active standards are designed primarily for aerospace, but they are also used in other high-stress environments.

IHS Markit works with AIA to sell and deliver the paper standards. AIA partnered with CADENAS PARTsolutions to offer the full NAS Parts Library as certified native CAD models for engineers to use in their deseigns.

Learn all about the NAS Parts Library by AIA.

Available 3D Digital Catalogs

SAE AS Aerospace 3D CAD Fastener Library

<a href="">SAE-AS Fasteners</a>

AIA NAS Aerospace 3D CAD Fastener Library

<a href="">AIA NAS Fasteners</a>

ASME B18.24 3D CAD Fastener Library

<a href="">ASME B18.24 Lookup</a>

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Hyperloop Team

See how the Ryerson International Hyperloop Team leveraged parts management tools to accelerate their design process, enabling them to compete and win against teams ten times their size.